Textbook Homework Pg 522 # 4 and Pg 528 # 4

Pg 522 #4       

a) The National Convention changed France by changing the people’s way of life. It created the Committee of Public Safety which tried to establish what it called a “Republic of Virtue”. This meant that people would act according to the principles of good citizenship. The National Convention also supported the idea of Universal Elementary Education and opened new schools. It established wage and price controls intended to stop inflation, by doing this they will aid the economy. Finally, it abolished slavery, worked to address human rights concerns, encouraged religious toleration, created the metric system and replaced the old monarchy calendar with a new one.


b) The Reign of Terror and foreign wars affected the people of France by making them scared of the Revolution. Some of them even wanted to go back to the old monarchy and because of this belief they were killed. The people started questioning if the Revolution was the right way of doing things.


c) Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power by being a good military man and by defeating enemies in many battles that later on helped France. Also, he became a hero to the French people and his supporters believed that he could only win victories abroad and restore order at home.


Pg 528 #4


a) The achievements of Bonaparte through 1804 were being an emperor of the French Empire and before that he won many battles and was a strong military man. Under his direction scholars organized all French law into a system called the Napoleonic Code. He established the Bank of France. Also, he put the system of Public Education planned by the National Convention into effect and reached an agreement with the Pope called the Concordat. Finally, in 1802, two years before becoming an emperor, he made France and its enemies, allies or have peace with one another.


 b) Napoleon established an empire by forcing countries to sign Peace Treaties and by making other countries allies with France. Also, he abolished the Holy Roman Empire and controlled most of the European Territory.


c) Napoleon was finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo when the British, under the command of Duke of Wellington and Prussian allies fought against him. This happened the second time he came back to take over France. After his defeat, the Bourbon family took power over France again.

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